So writeapostcard used to have a blog before they were called that. It was called a diaryland. Don't try to find it; we'll kill you (trying to adhere to blogging convention, and the great editorial we). Diaryland was what everyone in high school had and then myspace happened, so dland, as it was dubbed, became the slow, not as hip things kids had and the cool kids (i.e. yours truly) were on myspace (do you remember a life before myspace? Scary yeah?) Now kids are on facebook, and writeapostcard are too, except facebook is terrifying to us. There are too many wacky things that are too complicated, and make us miss geocities.
Anyways, this blog is the product of a gmail chat (Now can you remember a life before gmail chat? We can, but we'd prefer not to) with my friend whose name I will dutifully change to something that is else, which follows, excerpted, here:
friend: any creative writing i do is BAD
and self-absorbed
me: yeah i know
friend: its always emo thinly veiled autobiography about me and boys
me: well me too i mean
it's like i can be funny and interesting when i write about other people's stuff but when it's about me i'm so fucking obnoxious!
friend: i know!
me: but seriously sometimes my really achieving friends bum me out and not [other sometimesfriend] where you feel bad while you're talking to him but then you're like I don't give a fuck if i've read all of freud or not after he finally leaves
but like, man why am i letting my youth and fertile creative years slip through my fingers?
friend: then DO it
i realized recently
that the reason people write novels
and i don't
is because i can't get over myself
to the point that i can edit my shitty writing
people who write edit and edit and edit until its good
thats what you have to do
you should totally do it
me: ugh. i usually just throw it out
friend: nope
gotta edit!
me: maybe i should write a blog. it's the ideal forum for the self-absorbed
ooh away message. lately i'm churning out some pretty good zingers
friend: thats what i do
its so fun
away message is NOT a forum for your thoughts [writeapostcard]
me: haha
your [redacted] blog?
friend: uhuh
me: i thought that was mostly [friend's boyfriend]
do you write all that political stuff?
friend: uhuh
its mostly me
me: haha. i never realized how earnest you were
it's okay though because it's good earnest and not annoying earnest
friend: she?
seee i mean?
i can't talk to people about it!
no one wants to hear it!
so i write about it in my blog
me: haha
pretty wonderful
i had a blog for a bit in high school but it was so emo it hurt
i tried to purge that shit out of the internet
friend: maybe you can make emo cool though [writeapostcard]!
Some time passes...
me: (i am reading your blaaaag)
(also your blog is okay because it is about IMPORTANT things while any blog I would write would spend inordinate amount of time on 1. the weather and how I do not like, regardless of temperature 2. my love life or lack thereof [possible culminating in an open invitation for potential make ou partners], and drinking, before during and after, continuously reiterating the arc of looking forward, enjoying, and regret, rinse and repeat.)
me: also be warned that if i do start a blog most of this conversation will probably be its first post
So here we are folks. I think the above is a fair warning for what is probably likely to intermittently follow.