Monday, March 24, 2008

transitional colds

We don't exactly know why this happens, but seasonal changes always bring about colds. WaP thinks our current ailments might have something to do with the 7am ragers that have been going on lately in our lives, as well as the unfortunate tendency to go outside without a sweater to cool down to smoke a cigarette after dancing up a storm.

At any rate, the true reason for this unfortunate nasal congestion is as of yet unknown, but irritating nonetheless. This is made more so by the fact that one right ear is stuffed up and won't "pop" properly, giving us a lopsided feeling in the head.

Here at WriteaPostcard, we advocate Puffs tissues for sore noses. Advertising WORKS.

Look at how cute those little red-nosed cartoons are! And how happy their noses are after they use a puffs tissue! We know it's a scam, but having fully embraced it, we still advocate Puffs tissues because the brand's success means more adorable commercials on the tv.

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